1606 Hemp - 1606 Hemp Smokable Hemp Straight Roll

CBD oil is derived from the buds of industrial hemp plants (stalks and seeds). The plants used are specially bred to contain high concentrations of the naturally occurring Cannabinoid – Cannabidiol (CBDa). The buds are the part of the plant that contains a variety of natural chemical compounds that interact with the body’s central nervous system. Your body already has thousands of chemical receptors that regulate homeostasis and your general sense of physical well-being. When you take CBD, you trigger those receptors. The best part? There’re minimal traces of THC in hemp, so you just feel balanced without the high. i

Currently, we are offering the following CBD products on the SurgePays Platform. 

Vendor: 1606 Hemp ii 

  • 1606 Hemp Smokable Hemp Straight Rolls  
  • 100% Nicotine and Tobacco-Free 
  • Pre-Rolled King Size 85mm Cigarette 
  • A timeless alternative to both traditional tobacco and CBD products 
  • Approximately 70mgs of CBD per stick 
  • We've found that this is the perfect amount to enjoy a nice CBD buzz without the possibility of over-indulging 
  • The product can be displayed directly on the counter by the store's POS 
  • 1 Case = 1 Carton / Each carton contains a pack of 10 
  • You must be over 21 to order or sell this product 


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